Sunday 31 October 2010

Original photos and prelim task

This is the picture I decided to use for my front cover which i think really does represent the calmness and comfortable nature of Acland Burghley, the fact he is listening to music whilst sitting in front of a beautiful back drop shows that school is not only for education but is also a place to relax (when not in lessons).

This is the picture I've chosen to use in the Arts section of my magazine mainly because of the fact that they are laughing and having fun which I think shows the enjoyment that school can at times give to us and since Acland Burghley is a Arts school using this picture fully relates to that aspect of the school.

This is the picture I have chosen to use for the first page of my maagazine (excluding the contents page) that will be dedicated to welcoming new students and also the new headteacher to the school. This picture is very important because it not only shows that it is indeed a 'college of the arts' but also has the schools motto "Learning to succeed together" on it which indicates what the main aim of the school is.

This is a image of the schools football pitch which i include to use on the section dedicated to Acland Burghleys recent school success in football, also I think the lighting of this image expresses happiness and enlightment. 

This is the image i will you use to give a insight into what it is like in Aclnad Burghley when in class. And represents a normal day learning at Acland Burghley school

This is the image I will use to introduce new students at Acland Burghley, the fact they are both smiling shows that Acland Burghley is a place you can adapt to and make friends easily so it is a welcoming image for any new students at the school.

This is the front cover of my school magazine for the prelim task.

This is the contents page of my school magazine for the Prelim task.

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