Wednesday 8 December 2010

Planning of Front Cover and Contents page


To make my front cover what the first thing I had to do was to do a front planning of it which meant I had to do the plan of what i wanted to do for it on paper thinking about the genre, purpose and attention and the target audience f my magazine. I decided first of all that I wanted the genre of my music magazine to be Hip-Hop seeing as it is the genre of music that I like and follow the most, but seeing as R&B and Hip-Hop are closely linked together it will include certain aspects of R&B as well, now because of the genre of my magazine i decided that the purpose and intention of my magazine was to have new and exclusive updates of the world of Hip-Hop focusing on new releases, reviews and exactly what is going on right now, unlike Top of the pops which really focuses a lot on gossip and the lifes of popstars my magazines attention was more to educate the youth on what Hip-Hop is really about. This brings me on to what I wanted my target audience to be, which was a mainly young audience ranging from the ages of 14-30 seeing as my magazine is mainly updating readers on new information rather than past events, the demographic area I was targeting was the urban and diverse areas of England so places like Lonon which is a very diverse place and parts of manchester, liverpool and birmingham.

I then designed the layout of the front cover of my magazine on paper to get a initial look on how I wanted my magazine to be and look like and is a good starting point prior to when I actually go on to start designing my magazine.

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